How To Calculate Benefits
Do you qualify for California’s Earned Income Tax Credit and the Federal Earned Income Tax Credits?
See if you qualify and how much money you may get. Click on the calculator on the right. This will take you to FTB's calculator on their website.
California EITC
If you at least 18 years old, lived in California for at least half of the year, have a valid social security number or individual taxpayer identification number for you, your spouse and children and have earned $1-30K through taxable income such as wages or self-employment or taxable interest paid to you, you may qualify for California’s Earned Income Tax Credit. This refundable tax credit will either lower the taxes you may owe or give you a bigger refund. You may qualify for a larger tax refund if you have a child under 6 years old. ITIN holders also qualify for the credit.
A spouse/Registered Domestic Partner can claim CalEITC if married, not filing a joint return for the taxable year, had a qualifying child who lived with the spouse/RDP for more than half of the tax year, and either of the following applies:
The spouse/RDP lived apart from their spouse or partner for the last 6 months of the year or
The spouse/RDP is legally separated according to state law under a written separation agreement or a decree of separate maintenance and did not live in the same household as their spouse or partner at the end of the year.
Federal EITC
Depending on your filing status and household income, those earning $63,398 or less through taxable income such as wages, self-employment or taxable interest paid to you and you and your family if married are a United States Citizen, you may qualify for up to $7,430 from the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit. Have kids? If you have a child under 18 or your child is in college and is under the age of 24, you may qualify for up to $1800 per child in addition to the income credit you receive for your income.
On January 24th, 2024, the IRS stated that the maximum refundable child tax credit credit amount is slated to increase to $1,800 for the 2023 tax year, $1,900 for 2024, and $2,000 for 2025. The overall child tax credit maximum will also be adjusted for inflation in 2024 and 2025.
You must be a United States citizen to qualify for the Federal Earned Income Credits. If you are filing with an ITIN, you are still eligible to receive California credits. Learn more.